Fun with “Stuff”

I do apologise that I haven’t been updating as much as I could. There’s been personal things going on in the background that have slowed my output down. Atari 2600 The replacement 6507 CPUs arrived and after hitting a dud, my second chip worked fine. This is why you always buy a couple. I didContinue reading “Fun with “Stuff””

What Next?

I’m in a contemplative mood today, and I’ve been thinking about my collection. Specifically I have been thinking about what I want to get next. Here are my thoughts. Computers At this point I am really not going out of my way to buy any more computers with two exceptions. If someone offers me aContinue reading “What Next?”

My goodness, it’s been a while!

Hi Intarwubs. It’s been a while since my last post. Things have been very slowly proceeding, and then, like unplugging a cork, there has been a huge rush this long weekend. Updates on the last post So some quick updates on everything covered in the last post. Firstly the Microbee ROM switcher is working fine.Continue reading “My goodness, it’s been a while!”

Upgrades, Problems, Parts

It’s been an exciting few weeks. Archimedes The Archimedes continues to confound me. I finally got a replacement 1772, plugged it in and… No change! At this point I have swapped out all the chips that feed the floppy disk. If you look at the schematics, I have socketed and tested IC29, IC30, IC38, ICContinue reading “Upgrades, Problems, Parts”

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