Quick Update on Multiple Projects

I’ll try and keep this informal this time 🙂

The Atari 2600 seems to have a bad 6507 CPU. The voltage drops to zero when it’s inserted. I have a replacement on its way

Of the CreatiVisons, I managed to get one to boot fine and one just gives black screens. The tape drive works. The port expander works after a clean of all the connectors and having the LED changed out.

The Sega CD boots fine. Just trying to find some media for it now.

The Microbee mostly works. It seems to have some high RAM issues that I still need to work on. Also the keyboard is dead, bar 8 keys. I have a kit to convert it from using the horrible, custom keys to using much more useable Cherry MX keys, so I have a batch of them on the way.

No movement on the CoCo. I hope to get all the missing chips later this month.

The Arduino Joystick doodad now has autofire, which is very nice. I need to do some more code on it to add additional buttons for Atari systems. They’re plumbed in electronically but not coded in yet.

I’ve had a bit of a setback on the joysticks for the CreatiVision insomuch as my attempts to combine PCBs to keep the cost down was rejected. I may need to try a different PCB house.

Published by ilike8bits

I collect old computers and consoles

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